Wednesday, December 24, 2014

My Dreams and Aspirations

 To have a very big family - 3 or more children. To have a house full of people and kids. To give birth to a child and love and nurture them whilst not be controlling in any way so they can find themselves and learn from experience themselves. To not stifle or suffocate them – to let them have their own voice, needs and space. To be there when they fall and still love them regardless. To bring them colour, humour, laughter and fun. To allow them to see all the rainbows of life that it can offer them. To be the best Mum possible. Not for me but for them. To have a family that doesn't feel the constant need to compete to gain attention. Who are not affixiated with materialism or money. Who appreciate the simple things in life. Who are able to understand others and empathesize with others not because it results in a personal gain. Who can walk down a street and speak to anyone and of anyone with respect and dignity regardless of their status, race, sexual preference, disability or gender. 

To be with a husband who loves me for me and supports my dreams and aspirations. Who doesn’t try and belittle me  or be in control every time an opportunity arises. Who doesn’t tell me to go watch a youtube video everytime I want to learn something new. To be someone who loves me. Who respects me. Who doesn’t expect a wife to cook, clean and give sex.  Who loves me and respects me as a friend, confident and lover. Who wants the best for me and wants me to do well. Who won’t hurt me. Someone who will fight for me. Just as I would do for them.

Perhaps life was not meant to be like this for me. 

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