Monday, September 17, 2007

Lies make you ill

Someone once told me I thought too much and that's not a good thing. Well - it's always better to think too much then to think to little - that's what I say. If you don't think something through properly and work things out then they won't work out and you'll be hitting your head against a brick wall.

So the dilemma today is this - it's been a dilemma for a long time but I've got to the stage that I'm sick of the whole lot. Absolutely sick of it. What is it? Well - it's this - I'm going out with someone that I love to bits - however rather than to be able to prance about to the whole world and shout out I have to be careful about who I say what to because it could cause 'certain complications'. This has led to going on holiday and not being able to say - I'm going with my boyfriend skiing or with my boyfriend to Tobago. I have got to the point where I have to figure out a fake destination to go on holiday. It's bloody ridiculous.

My mother always told me that if you lie, you'll end up digging yourself a big whole. It is better to tell the truth even if it makes digging a small hole for yourself because that hole is not going to be as big as the one that you would create if you lie. When you lie you make yourself ill.

Well - I've got to the point that to heck with it. Who cares whether I am going out with my boyfriend. Why would that be a problem? What is the problem? At first I thought that perhaps it was better to keep things quiet because I didn't want any aggrevation from my boss asking me questions about my boyfriend who is off work due to a bad back brought on by RSI. Now it's got to the point that thinking about it - what does my boss care whether I'm going out with him or not? Why would he care? So why everything hush hush. No more.

So now the pact as follows - I'm stressin myself out and making a problem out of something which shouldn't be a problem.

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