Sunday, March 01, 2015

Love Means Giving Someone the Chance to Hurt You but Trusting Them Not To

If someone truly loves you, they will never give you a reason to doubt it. Anyone can come into your life and say how much they love you, but it takes someone really special to stay in your life and prove how much they love you. Love means giving someone the chance to hurt you, but trusting them not to. When you completely trust a person, without any doubt, you’ll automatically get one of two results - a FRIEND for life or a LESSON for life. Either way there’s a positive outcome. Either you confirm the fact that this person cares about you, or you get the opportunity to weed them out of your life and make room for those who do. In the end you’ll discover who’s fake, who’s true, and who would risk it all for you.

I am in the middle of hurting so much because I loved someone and trusted them not to hurt me. For me, that's a pretty hard thing to do. I will never trust anyone again.

Someone once asked me - 'Whose the real Laura?' they expected me to open up and tell them everything, to completely trust them. The reality was she was trying to work me out because she couldn't read me and the reality was if she really wanted to work me out and be a friend, she would have waited for the moment when I was really ready to open up and let her in. Never let anyone in, until they prove they can be trusted in your life.If that person really wants to be in your life, they won't push you to open your heart.

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