Friday, January 30, 2015

Don't be a Scapegoat

Don’t be a scapegoat. Don’t carry the can for something you didn’t do, but if you did do something wrong then it’s up to you to be responsible and accept it. Certainly don’t accept blame for something you didn’t do. Accusations are unjust. It’s up to you to make sure they’re not.

If more than one person is responsible for something that has happened and you’re the only one being made the scapegoat, then say so. We must use what we know to let others know we’re not the only one at fault. Always outline your part in the problem. It’s up to others to come forward.

Build your self-confidence so that you stand up for yourself. If you’re more assertive you’re more likely to say something when the finger is pointed at you. When we lack self-confidence we tend to run with what the other person is telling us, then feel bad when we can’t go back in to correct things.
Unfortunately when anyone uses a scapegoat they may have distorted views on their reality. No one without a distorted view will seek to use someone else in order to justify themselves and/or their behaviour. That person may also continue to direct the problem at that person and will feel justified in the process.

Once you say that a behavior is unacceptable, either they need to stop or you need to leave. A good way to continue being an easy target is to sit there and take it, even though you’ve said the words. Words need action, and if they continue to bully you or put you down, feel free to get up and leave the room until  they realize they need to treat you with respect. Some people may never get the message. In this respect, you need to distance yourself from the bully because they are toxic to your mental (and even physical) health. By distancing yourself, you also show that you are not willing to back down and you will not be used as an easy target. They may use this against you saying you are giving them the silent treatment, etc. Don't back down. If you allow them to continue to treat you in such a way, they will.

Scapegoat? It is up to you to decide whether you wish to keep chewing the cud, or spit it out, get those horns aligned, push off the ground, charge head first and boot them out.

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