Thursday, February 05, 2015

Set Yourself Standards

1. Know yourself, your dignity. This is what one person said, "If you want a somone to respect you, then you must show them that you respect yourself and that you recognize your dignity."
  • Who are you?
  • How do you like to be treated?
  • What's important to you?
  • Why is it important to you that another person treats you with respect? Every woman needs to set realistic standards. Write a list of what you want from the other person in regards to respect and stick to them. 
2. Know your likes and dislikes. What do you like/dislike in other people? Write a list. 

3. Stop him at that moment you catch him disrespecting you. If  someone disrespects you, then you have every right to put your foot down and tell them to stop. If a man respects you, he won't do it again and keep that in mind, but if he doesn't respect you, he'll do it over and over. If you're in a relationship and he's disrespecting you repeatedly, leave him. You can't change a guy, the only thing you can do is leave him. You're not changing him by staying in a relationship, you're changing him when you leave. If he says one thing to your face and a different behind your back, leave. He should be honest and what he speaks should be coherent with to what he speaks with everyone.

5. Don't set a guy to be your #1.Guys can never make you fully happy. Your guy should be someone you can share something with,not someone /something to fill you up. Be busy with life, get involved in your community, education, volunteer, and help others. Don't try and save him. Get some you time.Guys who love you will wait for you, accept you as you are and respect your wishes. Don't fall for that guy that says all the sweet things, but verbally abuses you behind your back. Look at his actions, don't listen to his words. I had to listen to 'women's groups cause divorces' for the past 7 years. Hence I started this blog.

6. Choose someone who's morally good and wants the best for you. Don't go looking around for bad guys, chances are many of them are verbally, physically abusive, involved in some bad addictions, cheaters, arrogant,dishonest, and disrespectful. If someone loves you they want the best for you. They will support you. They will stand up for you. They will want to see you grow. They won't say snide remarks to put you down. They won't tell you to go watch a You Tube video when you want to get some further education on a particular subject and feel the need to take a course. Have you found yourself constantly standing up and supporting someone only to find they don't do the same for you? Leave. You will most probably get - she never loved me for who I was. The truth his he never loved you for who you were. My husband told me I thought I was a paragon of virtue. His friends called me a goody goody. Er, no, I don't think I'm a paragon of virtue and er no I don't thnk I'm a goody goody. I'm just me and standing up for what I believe in.I'll stand up for the waiter that is serving 20 tables at once and getting lambbasted by someone if they are still waiting for their wine or complaining that they are still waiting for their food. I'll stand up to my verbally abusive narcisstic sisters and stand up to my father who used them as his flying monkeys so he could destroy my mother. I will stand up to my husband's best mate and let him know I will not tolerate someone who says one thing to my face and then maligns and gossips about me behind my back. I will stand up to the person who feels they have to put me down to put themselves up. I will stand up for myself and what I believe in. And I will stand up for those that are treated inferior just because they come from a different class, race or background or have had their own issues. That's not being selfish. That is not being narcisstic. That's not being a martyr or thinking you are a paragon of virtue. That's not hyping yourseld out to be something your not.  That's just being you - plain and simple - defining your boundries and your self-worth and sticking up for the people when someone else puts them down.

7. Don't think: "If I'll just sleep with him, I'll get his love." What ends up happening, the guy uses you and then leaves, and you'll be hurt more than before. You can't force a guy to love you by giving him your body. He may like your body, but not you. Do you want someone to love your boobs, but not your personality, likes and dislikes. No girl likes to be treated like an object. You're not a mere body - you have a soul, heart, and mind. You truly want to be loved as a complete human being. Wait for the right person to love you wholly as you are.  Men are a weird species. They think with their pole and two cup hooks. Sex to them is a priority to, as I quote from one discussion with the best mate of my husband, porn is a neccessity to let off steam when they can't get it. Oh brother. Yada yada ya and all that whoo ha. So that gives them a free card to turn to big whooping boobies and shaved fannies on the internet. It gives them the right to go photographing woman's bottoms. NO. If he loves you, he won't go sticking his eyeballs somewhere else. End of. The prick of a best friend said I was an idiot and not living in reality. No mate. Reality is this. I deserve better. I don't go round intentionally eyeballing or photographiing men's crotches if I love someone.  I was the one who got blamed for my husband photographing woman's bottoms because I stood up for myself and said, No - I'm not going to stand up with your shit for any longer. And I took that blame on for a long period until I realised I was being used as a scapegoat and if I didn't stick up for myself I would allow him to carry on using me as his scapegoat.

8. Don't waste time with someone who can't love you for who you are. Move on. You deserve better.  Love yourself. Love the world. But don't keep loving someone who treats you like a crock of shit. Doing the dishes or things, bringing you coffee doesn't count. They are purely cosmetic. If he loves you, he will stand up for you. Don't keep standing up for someone when they can't do the same for you. I spent the last four months standing up for somone and then shit hit me in the face when I realised he never did the same for me. He just used me as his scapegoat. End of. He can wash his own dishes. He can go wank off somewhere else. I'm not a scapegoat. I deserve better. Yup, I may hit rock bottom, but at least I have me. That's all that matters. Because I know that when I fall off that bike and land face first in the snow, I can say to myself, you just get back up on that bike and start peddling again. There will be people that want me to fall and never get back up again. There will be no tears. You just pick yourself up woman, stick that head back on your shoulders and tell them Mama don't take no shit. They can stick that up their pipe of shame and smoke it. They don't matter. You have the ability to sort yourself out woman if you believe in yourself. And looking at the 37 years of my life, by heck. I have emotionally been through alot and by heck made it to the end of the tunnel.  There is always light. You just have to believe in yourself to find it. Don't let anyone put you down think you are incapable of finding that light without them.

9. Admit you pick your nose and eat it. Everyone does - they are just to scared to admit it.

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