Friday, December 29, 2006


Well just finished calculating all the bills and sorting everything for council tax payment tomorrow. Hate doing this - but - has to be done!

Had a haircut at Toni and Guys (the first time in Edinburgh) and I must admit the guy who cut my hair did a fabulous job and was so kind - I was so happy, I gave him a £10 tip - he was so shocked and surprised - didn't want to take it at first - but I told him to as I was really happy with my hair. Definately recommend getting a guy to cut your hair if your a gal - they normally end up doing a great job. Crikey -I was so shocked - total turnaround from the Toni & Guys in Glasgow where the midget mod/punk bitchy girl stylists charge you twice as much and stand round you expecting a huge tip . I guess they have to fuel their coke habits in some way.

Had a chat with W last night with respect to my dilemma - he thinks I'm point blank stupid and I should text B and invite him for a drink and if the whole world starts to gossip then so be it.

I mentioned that I thought it would be bad etiquette - it wouldn't be fair on R - he told me the whole world is unfair and I should do things which put me first for a change. So if I wanted to go out for a drink I should go. Simply go -

The other thing that was bugging me was that I wanted a clean break from Glasgow and that arena of people - the reason I moved to Edinburgh was to start afresh on a new slate. Oh I don't know - I appear to find an excuse for everything. I can say that after living in Edinburgh for a month, I went back to Glasgow for a couple of hours for work. I felt such a distaste and sense of displeasure about the place that I was so happy to have moved out. Glasgow wasn't for me. I knew that first month in 1998 when I first moved there. Edinburgh on the other hand is such a delight.

Trying to figure out where we are going to spend New Years -we've decided on doing a pub crawl starting at the Festival Tavern and then heading off to the jazz club afterwards.

Right - quiet one - going to head off to bed now and do my chores for tomorrow.

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