Saturday, December 23, 2006


Well I have to say I've been taken aback.

I sent out all my Christmas cards out on the 22nd at 5pm - just got to the postoffice and a grouchy clerk served me - wouldn't even put them in the post office box for me - made me go to the post box on the corner to post them so I thought hey - told me they wouldn't arrive before Xmas unless I wanted to spend seven quid posting each one. As always me I thought - everyone will get their cards late - as usual. But low and behold they turned up on everyone's doorsteps the next morning.

So to my surprise at 10pm this evening, as I was cleaning my toilet - I received a text - from my ex - thanking me for the Xmas card and wishing me a very merry xmas from him and the wee one ( the wee one being our cat Rupert). I burst into tears.

You might think - me soppy - not gotten over it - true I haven't gotten over it - it takes time. But you see the reason I burst into tears was because this was the first time - the first time in six years of going out with him and the aftermath that he actually said thank you to me on his own accord. Without anyone standing there prodding him - without me having to go into a huge huff - without me having to spend a fortune on Barbour jackets - he did it just like that - and that - out of everything and all the Merry Xmas' - meant alot.

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